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Stretched & Sharpened: A Heart Fully Surrendered

Updated: Oct 1, 2023

Boy oh boy, where do I begin...? Training camp has been challenging, refining, wild, Spirit-filled, and deeply healing. I've been stretched and sharpened in mighty ways already and it's hard to believe it's only been 2 weeks! From training sessions, to worship time and sermons, to time with the Squad, our schedule has been filled with preparation for the field while intentionally deepening our walks with Christ in our community. I've been seeing God transform hearts, heal the sick, and set captives free already! And as He's been calling me deeper into His love, He's been teaching me what it means to trust in Him with a heart fully surrendered and rest in expecting the unexpected.

Over the last couple weeks we've had practical training scenarios to prepare for situations we may face this next year such as: navigating through a replica of a foreign marketplace for dinner, an all night prayer scenario for training for when we might face significant spiritual warfare, and a lost luggage scenario where half the Squad's luggage was "lost at the airport", not to mention hiking a mountain with our packs in the rain! I must say my favorite part of training, however, was evangelizing off campus in Gainseville for an afternoon... So many seeds of truth were planted and we saw people's walls come down in ways I couldn't have expected.

And as we pack up to leave it's hard to believe it's only been two weeks here! I've grown quite accustomed to sleeping in my hammock, using porta potties, bucket showering, and handwashing laundry... Yet I can't wait for what's next! As I write this and reflect on all God had in store for this week, I remember how my family and my community came alongside me and partnered with me in this journey. I'm so grateful for everyone's support, words of encouragement, and especially your prayers! On that note, please continue to pray for our health and safety as we fly out to Guatemala in the morning, also that God will soften the ground that we may walk on, spiritually speaking, so that the seeds we plant and water can settle on rich soil! Looking forward to updating after my first week in Guatemala!!!!

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